

The Recommendations set out what is required to deliver the Framework and realise the Vision.

The following recommendations set out what is required for the Design, Governance and Operation of high-integrity markets for nature.

To see an interactive diagram that highlights how these recommendations are connected, click here

Market Design

  • 1. Translate long-term national environmental targets into near-term local delivery targets

    1.1 Develop integrated area-based targets for nature recovery and environmental improvement 

    1.2 Develop local community benefit policies for investment in nature-based solutions 

  • 2. Use public funding to buy accredited environmental services though environmental markets

    2.1 Test and trial landscape scale environmental service payment systems 

    2.2 Establish market-exchange mechanisms for biodiversity, carbon, and water quality credits 

  • 3. Establish new demand-side drivers for nature recovery

    3.1 Launch a voluntary Nature Positive Commitment for UK business in 2023 

    3.2 Quantify nature-related impacts and dependencies across the UK economy 

    3.3 Develop nature positive goals and sector targets 

  • 4. Reform economic and environmental regulation to incentivise more efficient delivery of environmental outcomes

    4.1 Update the valuation and tax treatments of land used for nature and environmental services

    4.2 Modernise existing water quality regulation to focus on outcomes and facilitate catchment-based delivery of nature-based solutions

    4.3 Reform the financial regulation of the private water industry to incentivise efficient investment in environmental improvement.

  • 5. Establish a governance and institutional architecture for UK environmental markets

    5.1 Commission and publish a market governance and institutional options paper by the end of 2022

    5.2 Consult on a preferred option by March 2023

    5.3 Agree a joint implementation plan for environmental market governance by June 2023

Market Governance

  • 6. Establish a system of standards for quantifying the environmental services from nature

    6.1 Establish principles and core requirements for all nature-based standards

    6.2 Create a nature-based carbon standard

    6.3 Fund the development of priority standards for other environmental services

  • 7. Establish accreditation mechanisms for nature-based environmental services

    7.1 Establish accreditation mechanisms for nature-based projects

    7.2 Establish clear policies for stacking credits for different environmental services

    7.3 Apply baseline environmental and legal additionality tests to all nature-based projects

  • 8. Improve the data needed to facilitate efficient environmental market operation

    8.1 Identify and prioritise data gaps to be filled

    8.2 Design and implement outcome-based monitoring for nature-based solutions

Market Operation

  • 9. Provide funding for projects to demonstrate investment scale revenues

    9.1 Make investment readiness grants available for nature-based project developers

    9.2 Establish sources of patient and concessionary capital for investment scale demonstration projects

  • 10. Develop and test frameworks for local prioritisation, administration, and co-funding

    10.1 Establish principles for local governance of public funding for nature recovery

    10.2 Trial committing public funding for area and catchment-based portfolios of nature-based projects to be co-funded by business and private investment

    10.3 Establish training and skills development programmes to support participation in markets for nature

  • 11. Establish market infrastructure including registries, platforms, tools, and templates to facilitate efficient market operation

    11.1 Develop and implement a nature-based project and credit registry system

    11.2 Establish standard environmental market rules and operating procedures

    11.3 Develop and publish a code of common terms and template contracts for delivering nature-based projects.

  • 12. Convene a cross-sectoral Task Force to coordinate and report on the delivery of the Framework

    12.1 Develop country-specific implementation plans to align and integrate the delivery of the Investment Framework with wider policy objectives.

    12.2 Establish a transition team to facilitate the delivery of the Roadmap drawn from across the four UK administrations.

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